Thursday 13 May 2010

Do you ever think about what motivates a person? Every morning, of every day, to wake up, to get out of bed and do whatever they may; to have this strength, to pull through. I wonder sometimes.
The capacity to smile during a long day, when things are not exactly the way they should be. The capacity to cry when you finally allow yourself to experience that emotion you so tried to push away.

Have you ever wondered what motivates everyone on their own personal and unique way?

Wednesday 12 May 2010

"A Coragem de Escolher"

By Fernando Savater...

... "De modo que, pace Aristóteles, a voluntária disposição das nossas acções está marcada por duas constrições irremediáveis. O nosso conhecimento do estado de coisas e a nossa imaginação para pressupor alternativas de actos viáveis sofre a limitação da incerteza. Nunca sabemos tudo, nunca estamos seguros de saber o suficiente ou de não ignorar o mais importante: a única coisa que sempre podemos prever com absoluta certeza é o vislumbre do imprevisível..."

Monday 10 May 2010

The highs the Lows the ups and downs.

Excitement, our body is set like a thermostat to control the highs and lows, to always establish a middle point. It is not healthy for the body to always be “hot” nor to always be “cold”. Equilibrium is reached at the center point.

It seems though lately, the lows have been lower and more regular. It seems though that after a high the drop ain't gradual. There is a flaw in the system. The higher you go the lower you drop, only then and only then, does this thermostat begin to bounce back and try to establish that middle point again.