Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Really caring...

Sometimes I do ask myself if I really do care, if I care as much as I would like to say I do. Do I care enough to listen, to truly ask and process all the information I receive in reply?

I want to be someone who cares, who takes some time.

I wonder.

Is it that there is less need to care, care truly about others, about our family, about our friends? Are we just that little bit more self-centered? Or are we just loosing touch with what it means to care, to want to know, to be concerned, to ask questions and listen?

[the irony in stating online socially that something is not right and getting a "you can do it" "be strong" "hang in there" "tomorrow it will be better" reply!
... funny, would it not make a bit more sense to ask what is wrong, to talk, to show some genuine concern?]

I wonder.

Could we be loosing touch when it concerns emotional intelligence?

... Probably not. I'm probably just going through a more emotional phase...