Monday 12 July 2010

Best decision?

To be A or to be B?

choosing, decision making, knowing which way to go...

I have never really been a fan of this activity. I consider myself a really poor decision maker.

At the moment I need to figure out if I want to do my masters in an area that I believe has always been my passion... though I have no certain proof it to be what moves me. Or better yet, no certainty that I will be able to cope with this area as it is also something that scares me. It ain't an easy area nor does it seem to provide a vivadly prosperous future (in this country at least).

On the other hand an area of masters that could provide a more solid ground financially (especially in this country) and hopefully also and area of interest.

Unfortunatly there are no certain ideas, there is no way to say that if I do this or that, x or y will definitly be the outcome. On the other hand maybe that is a good thing, a good thing that life is not an exact equation.

I have a desire for control I like things in order, I wish to always know what is happening and what might be coming, therefore I want to account for all the variables and in this case, it does not work.

I carry on then, in a state of uncertainty, and I don't like it...

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