Monday 27 July 2009

Even though...

People hurt, people suffer, there is a world out there that knows much pain.

I laugh at myself sometimes when I think that I know pain, because in the grander scheme of things, I am nothing more than an insignificant dot. However, with a tear rolling down my face, bitterly scaring my skin I recall how I know pain. I am not unfamiliar with hurt. I hurt when I find myself drifting slowly from so many friends I hold most highly. I hurt when I feel I am not good enough. I hurt when it seems I disappoint my mother and father. I hurt when I find myself recalling I was a bit of an unwanted duck in the adoptive family. I hurt when my emotions take over and it seems I have became darker than lighter... How can I be that amazing young little child that my grandfather described? If only I was that image, that person. I hurt when I think of all the pain I have inside. I hurt when I'm aware of how much I put him through in such a short period of time. I hurt when I think about how I might hurt anyone that feels for me.

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