Wednesday 9 June 2010

To be the most one can be.

The question of defining oneself? I read that I could concentrate on being the most I can be, so being who I would really like to be, someone I could say I am proud of. Being me. Being me and being happy, content and satisfied that is the person I am.

Does everything I do define me as that person I would like to trully be?
So, fine it would be amazing to know exactly how to be the most I can be. To be this "all" /"whole" centered person. I might want to start by understanding what I trully don't want.

At this moment it feels harder to know what I do, than what I don't.

As with the thought of defining myself, I wonder to what extent my relationships and what I do for work or to pass my time builds up the parts of who I am.

How much energy should someone invest in these aspects? How much of me should be invested in everyone else? ...

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