Sunday, 13 June 2010

To be the most one can Be...

So, how much should someone invest in other people? Other things, activities they choose as part of their life?

Does anyone want to tell me how much expectations play a role in each one of our lives.
I got to thinking about expectations today. The higger our expectations the bigger the room of dissapointment therefore more hurt feelings.

Is the amount of energy invested in others proporcional to expactations, theirs and ours?

When I think of myself, I understand I have been fighting this battle for many years now. How much I give of me, how much I feel I receive back and the pain it causes my "self" my "ego" my heart!

Is it not easier for me just to [Protect my Heart]? But then... is that being the most I can be? That person that I trully want to be?

I know, as opposed to not knowing, I know that I want to be that person that gives "my all" 100% to everyone in all situations (in possible circunstances). I know that about me as that is who I believe is the most I can be.

However the "heart" break keeps on coming and I feel forced to ask how is it possible to love uncondicionally, everyone and everthing? I've got, or I feel I have still, such a long way to go to learn about the other emotions. The emotions that tamper and confuse this possibility. This giving one "all". I got to deal with my ego's jealousy, insecurity and guilt.

I'll say it out loud... I wish to overcome this "part of the process", I wish to continue to understand my self better, my emotions more greatly and accept and move past the feelings that trap me... the feelings that hold me back and make me doubt my self. My self as the being I want to be, this is... me as the most I can Be.

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